CareerlinkCanada provides free advice and guidance for Canadians who wish to upgrade their skills in order to get a better career.

CareerlinkCanada is a Toronto based organization that helps newly laid-off Canadians to get government funding in the form of grants to get new skills and eventually better jobs. We have contractual agreements with colleges in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, and Windsor.

The colleges offer diploma training in Business, Healthcare, Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Trades, Food and Nutrition, and others.

In the winter of 2020 Canada and the whole world economy was severely disrupted by the Covis-19 pandemic.

Ontario’s unemployment rate went from 4% to 13% very quickly.

A lot of those unemployed people will have a tough time finding work in their field of expertise once the pandemic subsides. Many companies have been forced out of business.

The government of Canada recognizes this situation and has vastly improved the qualification criteria for the already successful Second Career program.

The Second Career program provides a grant of up to $28,000 to cover the cost of retraining for a new career. All of the money is a tax-free grant. It covers things such as tuition (up to $10,000), living expenses, help in caring for dependent children, travel (bus) fares and other items.

CareerlinkCanada helps laid off people to determine which program best meets their interests and also provides education and credentials for people to achieve success in their new career.

Programs are typically 10 to 14 months in duration and almost always include placements within good Canadian companies.